Reflecting Thoughts

Prior to creating this blog, Brexit raised anxieties within myself and the general public about whether we are doing enough to prevent CC; particularly after Theresa May abolished the UK’s Department for Energy and Climate Change. CC has continued to be an extremely relevant topic over the past 7 weeks, if not becoming even more relevant with the election of Trump as US president. The social media frenzy post-election caused an out-cry for continued climate policy engagement from businesses after the plummeting of renewable energy company stocks and appointment of a climate sceptic to oversee the EPA transition, reinvigorating concern over how much work is required to make significant improvements to worldwide engagement in reducing CC.

The release of Leonardo DiCaprio’s “Before the Flood” and David Attenborough’s “Planet Earth 2” has caused a spike in public interest in the natural world which I have witnessed amongst my own friends, increasing people’s desire to protect the world around us. While this could be said to be unlikely to directly influence the big emitting corporations, resulting pressure from the public will be noted by companies who won’t want to lose customers concerned by this, which could have more of an impact than many expect due to the sheer importance of reputation and customer retention in the corporate world.

Writing these blog posts for the past 7 weeks has given me an improved insight into CC from a corporate point of view. As I aim to go into a career where CC action is a priority, researching this has demonstrated potential stumbling blocks that may be encountered while working in this area. Overall, the experience has been very beneficial and enjoyable and is something I intend to continue to research in the future as CC actions are implemented across the world.



Featured Image:    Expert, S. E. (2015, July 22). How green is Donald Trump? Retrieved November 16, 2016, from Exact Solar’s Blog,

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